Kategoria: Indieoilar Sukarra

Indie rock, Lo-Fi, art rock, indie folk, britpop, dance punk, indie-elektronika… hau bai kakanaste ederra. Irratsaio hau musika alternatiboari buruz izango da, historioak , anekdotak eta auskalo ze harrikadarekin lagunduta, mundu berezi hau ulertzeko.

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Posted in Indieoilar Sukarra

Indieoilar-sukarra #01 ongi-etorri

Abesti lista: -We are standard- something bigger – Spoon- Do you – Sound team- your eyes are liars – Milburn- What will you do (when the money goes) – Violent soho- Fur eyes – Modest mouse- Lampshades on fire – Portugal. The man- creep in a shirt – Tame impala- elephant – Jose gonzalez- Down […]