HAUS OF BEATS #149 Aste hontako aurrerapenetan… / This week promos… Moxal, Aubrey, Jeff Blank, Vort, Remotif, The Shanklin Sessions eta Umwelt-en hurrengo lanak… …eta askoz gehiago. / …and many more. Tracklist:
  1. Moxal – Zaldikatu#1 (Forbidden Colours) out 1 mar
  2. Aubrey – Aerglo Visible (Out-ER) out 20 feb
  3. Jeff Blank – Mescaline (Dead Bison) out 22 feb
  4. Vort – Silverlight (E-Beamz) out 15 mar
  5. Remotif – No Bones About It (Alfresco Disco) out 18 feb
  6. The Shanklin Sessions – Sitars Over Shanklin (Cynic) out 18 feb
  7. Umwelt – Ecopoiesis (Voitax) out 25 feb
  8. A Strange Wedding – Cosmic Bastringue (Worst Records, 2018)
  9. The Maghreban – Martha (Zoot Records, 2017)
  10. VC-118A – Enter (Frustated Funk, 2018)
  11. Dj Fett Burguer & Stiletti Ana – Time Computer (Freakout Cult, 2018)
  12. Fabio Florido – Multiverse (Plus 8 Records, 2019)
  13. Oppenheimer Analysis – The Devil’s Dancers (Not On Label, 1982)
  14. After Hours – Waterfalls (Strictly Rhythm, 1991)
  15. Yello – Bostich (Stiff America, 1981)
  16. Pit Troja - Der Voodoo Mann (Sound Shop, 1985)

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