Aste hontako promoetan… / This week promos…

Julien Grassen Barbe, Kosaya Gora, The Aquatic People, Marcus Christiansen, DJego Silber, Jack Carel, Optometry, Lake Haze eta Ferdinger-en hurrengo lanak…

…eta askoz gehiago. / …and many more.


01. Julien Grassen Barbe – Petit Reve (Histoire Inconnue du Disque) out17feb

02. Kosaya Gora – Motorcyclist Die (2MR) out17mar

03. The Aquatic People – A Dancer’s Guide (Paille Records) out24feb

04. Marcus Christiansen – Oka”nt Universum (Ilya Santana Space Empire Remix) (Mélopée Records) out28feb

05. DJego Silber – See Me True (Señorita Records) out24feb

06. Jack Carel – Get Along (Bella Ursa Recordings) out9feb

07. Optometry – Chameleon (Palette Recordings) out3mar

08. Lake Haze – Acid Genesis (Paraiso) out13mar

09. Ferdinger – Real Power (ANNE Breakmix) (Skryptöm Records) out17feb

10. Anchorsong – Windmills (Salamanda Remix) (Tru Thoughts, 2023)

11. Ian Tocor & Joseph Schiano di Lombo – Lost Boys (Lumiére Noire, 2023)

12. rRoxymore – Drunken Clouds (Aus Music, 2022)

13. Ofili – Loco (Scratcha DVA’s Sweetiano Mix) (Tru Thoughts, 2022)

14. Air – 1st Impression (Rising High Records, 1994)

15. Arvid Tuba – The Seasons Are Sitting On Chairs (Not On Label, 1998)

16. Derrick May – Daymares, It Is What It Is (R&S / Transmat, 1998)

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