Aste hontako promoetan / This week promos…

Amorante, Amber Arcades, Space Dimension Controller, Ginkø + BSN Posse, Dinky, Gameboyz, Gora & Eloy, Pyramid Of Knowledge eta Moteka-ren hurrengo lanak…

…eta askoz gehiago. / …and many more.


1.Amorante – Kale Erdian (Forbidden Colours) out11oct

2. Amber Arcades – Turning Light (Justin Robertson’s Deadstock 33s Meditation) (Heavenly Remixes) out6oct

3. Space Dimension Controller – Multiples Of None (Hypercolour) out6oct

4. Ginkø + BSN Posse – Rainforest (Defrostatica Records) out6oct

5. Dinky – Come Hold Me Tight (Rhythm Cult) out3oct

6. Gameboyz – Breaks To The Laugh (Kaputt) out6oct

7. Gora & Eloy – Dual Dynamics (Hitec-Condo) out6oct

8. Pyramid Of Knowledge – Diffusion (Unknown To The Unknown) out6oct

9. Moteka – Groove 05 (Skryptöm) out13oct

10. Laurel Halo & Bendik Giske & Lucy Railton & James Underwood – Abandon (Awe, 2023)

11. Miguel Gil Tertre – CS40 (Fuego En Casa, 2013)

12. Keope – Perdidos En El Valle (Bigamo Musik, 2023)

13. Maxwell Simons – Well 1 (El Irreal Veintiuno Remix) (Beat Machine Records, 2023)

14. La Fura Dels Baus – Suz Rito Ajöe (Virgin, 1986)

15. Dettinger – Blond (Kompakt, 1998)

16. Pepe Bradock – Deep Burnt (Kif Recordings, 1999)

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